Registration Form

Registration Form

    Name of Student

    Father’s Name

    Father’s Occupation

    Student’s Mobile Number

    Student’s Email-ID

    Date of Birth

    Gender MaleFemale

    Name of School

    Admission For

    Tuition For How many Subjects

    Father’s Mobile Number

    Mother’s Mobile Number

    Residence Address

    • Student has to be regular in attending classes & finishing their home work. Frequent irregularly may result in to terminations of admission.
    • Mobiles should be switched off in the class.
    • Students have to pay their fees as per the policy.
    • Fees once paid will be refunded within 10days of admission. After that fees will not be refundable under any situation.
    • Management’s decision with be final under any situation
    • I hereby declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge. I will follow at the regulation of the institute mentioned above & modification & alteration made by management time to time.